M: "what are you doing?"
Me: "stopping at the red light."
M: "why?"
Me: "because it's the law."
M: "oh!"
She then went on to ask if there was a red light every time I stopped. I love watching kids figure out the world!
That afternoon M put on a winter hat, some gloves, and a purse on her arm and said "bye." I managed to get a picture of it.

After taking the picture she had to see it. She also figured out how to scroll through the pictures on my phone. It was great to see how proud and excited she was! She then asked "who is that?" for each picture. I let her answer since the pictures were all of her and E except the pictures of my car that I had taken over the weekend. Even with those pictures she would ask "who is that?" and then answer "Tistine's car!"
As much as I love having E around, I am truly enjoying this other side of M. The side that isn't always doing and saying bad things because E told her to.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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