Here is M about to come down the slide. It actually took a little bit of coaxing that day. For some reason she was going through a fear of sliding by herself which she hadn't had in the past.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Monkey Joes
The kids LOVE this place and we didn't make it there enough over the summer (because of the nice weather). So we picked a rainy day and met some friends.
Here is M about to come down the slide. It actually took a little bit of coaxing that day. For some reason she was going through a fear of sliding by herself which she hadn't had in the past.
Monkey Joe made an appearance that day. A first for us. M loved seeing him and followed him everywhere. When he bent down to pick her up, I thought she was going to loose it. However, she was excited about it. Here she is waving with him.
Here is M about to come down the slide. It actually took a little bit of coaxing that day. For some reason she was going through a fear of sliding by herself which she hadn't had in the past.
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