There are many moments that remind me (not that I need it) of why I love what I do. Thursday in particular was full of them. It started with music class. E joined us since he no longer has school. I was really hoping he would like it so I was very happy to see his face light up when everyone sang hello to him. I also caught him smiling and laughing when Ms. Christy would do something silly. I know I said this in my post about music class, but Ms. Christy is the best!! Anyway, I wish I would have had a camera to catch those smiles.
I was able to get pictures of some of the other things that happened through out the day. Like these next two of them looking at a book together. This was following a huge fight over the book but in the end they worked it out and here is proof of how happy they can be sharing a book.

This one is of M crossing her arms. I'm not sure what it was all about, but I saw her do it several time that day. By the end of the day, I just had to have a picture of it. This isn't a picture of her just randomly doing it though, I had to ask her to do it. Still funny. While I was trying to get this picture, they were throwing rocks into a bucket of water to make big splashes. I was standing a little close and got wet. I enjoy being able to laugh about these things.

This last one is the funniest. We were getting ready to go outside by putting sunscreen on. E, who is getting more and more independent, likes to put it on himself. While I was busy putting it on his face, I didn't notice that he was busy giving M the extra off of his hand. When I turned around, the baby doll was covered in the sunscreen as well. She actually had more on her but before I could get my phone for a picture, most of it got rubbed off. That poor baby had it in every crack and crevice on her head.
Love the baby doll. That is classic. But why wouldn't she need it? Right? We all need to be protected. Very cute.