On Friday I took the kids to Seven Gables park in
Wheaton. If you don't know where this park is, it is just off of
Naperville rd. You can see the soccer fields from
Naperville rd but you have to turn onto
Danada dr and go through the neighborhood in order to get to the playground. Anyway, I have seen this park before but have never actually taken the kids there. Another nanny I know mentioned it the other day and said how much she liked it. It was a lot of fun and I look forward to taking the kids there again in the future. One thing I liked about it was that it really has a lot for different ages. This was the first time I had been to a park where older kids were playing and I wasn't annoyed that they were taking over all of the things for younger kids (such as standing in the baby swings). Anyway, here are the pictures I took while we were there. I used my phone because I didn't think to bring my camera. Maybe next time.
M sitting in the really cool big swing.

E walking on the stepping stones

This park even had drums and bells to play! Although, with the bells, you had to either use your nails to tap on them or a stick. There was nothing inside to ring. However, they were still pretty cool.

The cool
spider web climbing thing. I wanted a picture of E climbing on it but he got down before I could get M out of the swing.

Rock walls!

E on the rock wall. He really wanted to sit on top of it.

Another nice thing about this park is that they have the soft stuff on the ground instead of the wood chips you see at most of the parks in the area. The one thing I didn't like was that the ice cream man had to show up while we were there and sit there for at least five minutes even though no one was buying ice cream from him. For one, I had no cash on me and two, it was 5 pm, almost dinner time, there was no way we were getting ice cream.
I don't think I've been to that park yet. It looks awesome! A great one to take all of the kids to together, so the 2 year old will have as much fun as the 6 and 7 year old!