Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cosley Zoo

I decided to do another post on Cosley Zoo because 1) I love this place and 2) I got better pictures this time since I had my camera.

The first thing we did was play in the sand box. You would think that with all the parks we visit, these kids would have enough of sand boxes. But they love their sand! Really, can you blame them? This was was extra special because it has a turtle in it. In the picture, you can see the kids trying to bury the turtle.
Since we got there early and the duck feeding hadn't started yet, we went to see the animals. They really enjoyed petting this sheep and trying to feed it a piece of straw.

M talked about this for the rest of the day.
Here is a cow. The kids didn't really stop to see her so I just snapped a quick photo.

E stops for a few seconds to see the llama.

Yay, this section finally has animals! Here is M checking out the bullfrog.

And the turtle.
There was also snakes but I didn't get pictures.
They also have a second barn owl now. They are so cute sleeping next to each other.
Then we check out the activities in the train.

Now it's time to feed the ducks. If you have never been there, and you missed my first post, for $1 you can buy a small scoop of duck food. One scoop apiece is usually not enough for my two. They only do duck feeding on week days from 10 to 10:30 (or maybe it's 11 I can't remember).

Look at the ducks looking up at him waiting for food! He must have been out at this point.
This was also our farm week. E had liked train week so much that he didn't really want to do farm week so we didn't do a who lot. I wanted to make pig snouts with them but with the weather so nice, they didn't want to be inside. I will post how to make them for anyone who wants to make them. You cut a toilet paper roll in half so that the tube is a little shorter. The kids can paint or color them pink. You can also cover them in pink construction paper. Then you cut (or have them cut) out a pink circle. Put two dots for nostrils and then tape or glue it to one end of the tube. Punch holes at the other end and attach a string so the kids can wear them. I bet they would have been cute, I wish I had a picture to post. I will do a separate post listing all of the books so far.

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