Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Gym

On Tuesdays M and I go to My Gym in Wheaton. This is another great class! Every week the gym is set up differently. We do a little bit of everything in this class. First the kids run around and do whatever. Then we have circle time where we sing hello, have the kids say their names, warm up their muscles, do a dance, and do a practice skill such as tumbling.

After circle time they get to explore the gym again. Every week they have a new adventure set. This week was a car wash. I liked that they had enough cars for each kid so there was no fighting and waiting. Here is M going through the car wash.

They also do gymnastics with the kids. Here is a picture of M balancing on the "flying carpet."
Here she is doing a flip on the low bar.

The next few pictures are of her exploring the gym.

They also have swing time and every week there is one new big swing. Here she is on the regular swing and then on the big swing for this week.

During swing time they also do some sort of ride. This week they had the kids bounce down a big tube and then flip and land in the bulls eye. Here is a picture of M bouncing down. She will usually try everything they have.

Then it is time for surprise time. This week the kids played with trucks. Every week there is a different surprise and the teachers lead them through a series of activities to do with the surprises. Then they have separation time where all of the kids play in the middle together with the teachers while the other adults stand back a little and watch. This is usually when we have to leave to get E from school but when we do get to stay, she does great. After separation they play a game and then have another short circle time that includes a puppet show and the good bye song.

1 comment:

  1. That looks so cool! I used to take Pufferfish to Gymboree, but I can't afford it anymore. MyGym looks even cooler! (http://angelnicki.paidtoblog.com)
